Registration for VAT in Poland



Registration for VAT in Poland
Foreign entrepreneurs that want to sell goods or services on the territory of Poland have to register for VAT purposes in Poland before their first transaction.
If the entrepreneur has no permanent establishment in Poland, than the competent tax office is the Second tax office Warszawa- Śródmieście.
In ordert o register for VAT in Poland an enterprenour has to submit to the tax office two tax forms:
- VAT-R form
- NIP-2 form.
It is also necessary to attach some other documents, for example:
- confirmation that you are a VAT taxpayer in the country of origin,
- confirmation of registration of your company in the country of origin
- description of your palnned activity in Poland.
These documents have to be transleted into Polish by a sworn translator.
After an enterprenor gets his VAT number he is obliged to send electronically to the tax office monthly VAT-7 declarations together with JPK-VAT files (= a SAF-T file). It is not possible to submit these declarations in papier.
Our company offer services in this scope. We are ready to support you in registration process and by submitting monthly declarationos.
Should you have any further questions, than please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mikołaj Przybył
tel.: + 48 502 -468-473